Fishers of Men
Jesus has said, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." (Lk 10:2)
Today the fields are ripe for harvest. God has prepared a massive harvest that can compare with the heady missionary days after Pentecost.
God today is sounding a call to all His people to participate in bringing in this harvest. It is a call of the utmost importance and urgency.
And God looks to you to respond.
Book Details
NIHIL OBSTAT: Msgr. Jose C. Abriol Vicar General and Censor IMPRIMATUR: Jaime Cardinal Sin Archbishop of Manila
Copyright © Frank Padilla, 1996
Maiden Edition Published in the Philippines in 1996
Revisited October 2011
Cover Design by Family and Life Quad Media (now Mission Studios)
Layout by Maybel V. Sempio
Published by
Restoration Movement for Family and Life Ministries, Inc.
Apartelle 12 Starmall Complex, Shaw Blvd. cor. EDSA, Mandaluyong City
Tel.: (02) 8-294-7389
About the Author
Frank Padilla turned his life over to God in 1980. Since that time, he has searched the scriptures, feasting on its richness and vitality. He has written 40 books and 7 booklets, all based on the scriptures and expounding on many Biblical quotations.
In this book, he shares his discoveries about intriguing and challenging passages in the Bible.
He and his wife, Gerry, are members of the Pontifical Council fo the Family. Also, he is a papal knight of the Order of St. Sylvester.
Frank is the Servant General of Missionary Families of Christ (before: Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life), an international Catholic lay association focused on evangelization, family renewal, and the defense of life.
Frank is also the Moderator of the Live Christ, Share Christ mission, intended to mainstream Catholic lay evangelization as a response to the call to the New Evangelization.